About Us
Tracy is President and Co-founder of LyfeLynk with her husband Michael. She oversees all Programs and Trainings. Tracy started with a vision and continues every day, with the help of others, to shape LyfeLynk, modeling an organization in Pennsylvania that was instrumental in her family’s healing journey. For Tracy, connecting with people who cared and invested in her life was so transformative that she is very passionate about helping to pass this gift to others. She shares a positive energy to whomever she speaks, touching something in your life. You find yourself wanting to be a part of her vision, that of bringing awareness and direct healing to a devastation of spirit, the result of severely, traumatizing experiences. She exhibits grace and hope in everything she does.
Michael is Co-founder of LyfeLynk with his wife Tracy and sits on the Board of Directors. He has taken extensive training in trauma, restorative justice and storytelling. Becoming involved in learning about basic needs, both in his own life and many others has been transformational to him. He is passionate about creating spaces where everyone can experience positive growth and change. Michael’s farm management experience and common-sense business direction is invaluable to LyfeLynk. His leadership direction will guide the organization well into the future. Michael’s cheerful “can-do” personality is an inspiration to everyone at LyfeLynk.
Jennifer is the Vice President of LyfeLynk. She was born and raised in Virginia’s beautiful Shenandoah Valley. Jennifer participates in all areas of LyfeLynk, including fundraising. She has an uplifting personality and is always willing to walk alongside individuals with love, care, and offering a safe space as they take their journey towards healing.
Harvey sits on the Board of Directors and is a local business owner. With plenty of experience, he brings organizational skills, vision, and can assist with the long-term goals of LyfeLynk. He was born and raised in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. Harvey desires to provide a safe haven for those who have been hurt, while they process their story, and start to heal.
Vesta is the Treasurer of LyfeLynk and has lived all her life in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley. She currently participates in LyfeLynk, on the board and behind the scenes, constantly working on her own personal growth, while walking with others. Vesta has a passion for helping women of all ages, empowering them to reach their full potential. She brings an uplifting and cheerful outlook to the programs. She also likes to experience the adventurous side of life and loves riding her motorcycle.
Owen is a Director at LyfeLynk. He brings experience and knowledge from owning his own construction company. Owen has assisted with the mission of LyfeLynk since it’s inception. His business and organizational skills have been invaluable to LyfeLynk’s formation. While all of these skills bring guidance to this organization, Owen is most noted for his kind and caring heart. He stands strong for everyone and inspires a bold confidence while inspiring others to always move in the direction of compassion.
Aaron sits on the Board of Directors and is also the Secretary at LyfeLynk. He is from the Midwest and currently works full-time as a manager and salesperson for a fencing company. Aaron also owns and operates a shed building business. He brings ambition and positive thinking to LyfeLynk. His direction and good values will lend guidance to LyfeLynk. He has faced his own life challenges and this real life experience has given Aaron compassion for others, who have faced even greater challenges of abuse and trauma. Aaron loves to see people become the person they were created to be and is committed to helping people have access to the resources needed to recover from domestic trauma.
Mindy is a Director at LyfeLynk and also sits on the Board of Directors. She grew up in East Central Pennsylvania. She was a teacher in a parochial school there, and later in Mississippi and Wisconsin. When invited to join LyfeLynk she wanted to be a part of the mission of helping others find healing from trauma. Mindy is a great listener and brings a solid wisdom to LyfeLynk’s board. She is a true people’s advocate and understands the LyfeLynk mission of helping others find healing from trauma.
As a neuroscientist who walks with trauma survivors, Dr. Joy Kreider has seen firsthand the profound effects of psychological trauma. All forms of violence and abuse, and many other threats to our wellbeing can leave us with long lasting emotional challenges. In the aftermath, survivors often struggle with anxiety, depression, emotional dysregulation, and a sense of disconnection from self and others. The good news is that the brain is capable of change! Trauma survivors deserve care, compassion and the opportunity to explore new paths towards wholeness. Dr. Kreider blends brain and body-based science with arts and body-based techniques that can assist us all in moving towards recovery and healing.
Joy Kreider, Ph.D. & CEO
Kathy has offered many years of service to nonprofit organizations, most recently eight years with DUET in Arizona. DUET provided free of charge services to the greater Phoenix community of older adults and seniors. She volunteered with others to organize events, set fundraising goals, and form relationships to support the dignity of aging neighbors and loved ones. Kathy and her husband Mark are Virginia Tech Alumni and they returned to Virginia in retirement.
Kathy Cline
Donor Relations Coordinator
Our History
As co-founder of LyfeLynk, alongside my husband Michael of 30 years, my passion for helping hurting people to find healing began in 2018. At this time our family experienced a life-altering event that profoundly impacted every aspect of our lives. Because of trained, caring individuals for whom we are very grateful, we were able to move through this difficult time and begin to heal. This experience brought us closer together, resulting in a much stronger family unit. As we at LyfeLynk, along with trained collaborators, come together to create safer spaces where every voice is heard, we are excited to share educational opportunities on learning to relate in more grounded, compassionate ways. Our need for, and subsequent training in restorative justice, healthy relationships, and the impact of trauma to our brain and body has inspired the creation of LyfeLynk. Having a special love for people as we navigate life challenges, we recognize the great need for wholesome connection. We are committed to walking alongside others with compassion and love for any individual, regardless of age or circumstance.